Three Quarter Time is for SALE!
June marks five years since we began our journey from Alaska to Mexico. We have had many cool adventures, met some amazing people that we not only consider friends, but also family. We have watched people either continue their cruising lifestyle, or end it for one reason or another (health, money, boredom, satisfaction of completing a goal, etc). We have always stated that we don't write our plans in stone. This mantra helps us to be more fluid in our travel plans, and flexible with how our future would be impacted by our daily decisions. That being said, over the last few years, we have really made some major upgrades to TQT. During the winter of 2019/2020, while in Mazatlan, we had an almost 90% upgrade done, and decided that while she is very much in newer condition, this is the best time to list her for sale and offer another family the opportunity to appreciate TQT's stability. We ourselves have decided we enjoy catamarans a little more tha...