
Showing posts from May, 2015

Talk Like a Sailor Day

We have been having several garage sales over the last two months in order to lighten our load.  We had the final sale, which we renamed "moving sale," last weekend.  We still had so much stuff left over afterwards.  We truly have been blessed with the material things we've collected over the last so-many-years.  We have now begun the process of giving everything away that we can't store or take onto SVTQT.  This is a harder task than one would think.  "Hey, want a free tempered-glass dining room set that seats five?"  Um "sorry, we don't have room."  It's a little disheartening that we can't even give stuff away sometimes.  But such is life.  To the "Recycle Area" of the transfer site goes a LOT of our belongings.  Actually, many items were given to family and friends, many to the Women's Shelter, and a LOT went to several of the homeless people that Debbie photographed (with permission) for her final project at the Unive...

Time is ticking away

Welcome from TQT, Debbie and I are down to 39 days before we move onto Three Quarter Time for the foreseeable future. We are very excited, I will be taking a quick trip to Valdez this weekend to do some minor maintenance.  I will start delivering some of the items from our house to the boat in an effort to make it more of a home. i.e photos, clothing nick knacks etc. One of the big challenges for us is what to take.  I have read countless blogs and books on the subject. There appears to not be a sound consensus. Some have a mind-set like myself.  If it does not have a purpose it does not go. I suppose in my mind that means one thing, in someone else's mind it means another.  For instance what does purpose mean? I feel it is an obvious statement; it is not apparent. My mind states that if it does not have form and function to keep us alive and the boat floating, or moving in a direction, it's not functional. My better half might suggest that functional keeps you w...