Time is ticking away
Welcome from TQT,
Debbie and I are down to 39 days before we move onto Three Quarter Time for the foreseeable future. We are very excited, I will be taking a quick trip to Valdez this weekend to do some minor maintenance. I will start delivering some of the items from our house to the boat in an effort to make it more of a home. i.e photos, clothing nick knacks etc.
One of the big challenges for us is what to take. I have read countless blogs and books on the subject. There appears to not be a sound consensus. Some have a mind-set like myself. If it does not have a purpose it does not go. I suppose in my mind that means one thing, in someone else's mind it means another. For instance what does purpose mean? I feel it is an obvious statement; it is not apparent. My mind states that if it does not have form and function to keep us alive and the boat floating, or moving in a direction, it's not functional. My better half might suggest that functional keeps you warm and comfortable and does not have to be a tool or a sheet of fiberglass.
In my readings I found something I think is a sage piece of advice. If your boat is not a home you wont be able to live on it. My first thought was this is ludicrous,however I read on, and my thoughts on the matter slowly changed. Their experience was that many folks want to transition to the cruising lifestyle and would set great plans in place. As with most great dreams, not everyone gets to live it for one reason or another. Overtime, they found they could easily identify those who would make the transition and those that would leave their dreams tied to the dock simply visiting the dream from time to time. Here is their simple test. If they came aboard a vessel as they were often invited to do, they would look for personal effects such as pictures of family, nick knacks , etc. things that generally felt like home. If they did not see those things, they would look at each other and silently communicate that these folks were dreaming and nothing more. I have since taken that little nugget to heart, as i do not want my dream rotting away in the back of my mind or at the dock.
In short we have compromised, while it is very important to give as much real estate to the things that are functional, by my definition. It is equally important to make sure we have what is functional per Debbie's definition. After all Three Quarter Time will be our home. With luck for many years to come, she should look and feel like a home.
Our new home is coming along nicely.
Current address Valdez Ak. but not for long...
Debbie and I are down to 39 days before we move onto Three Quarter Time for the foreseeable future. We are very excited, I will be taking a quick trip to Valdez this weekend to do some minor maintenance. I will start delivering some of the items from our house to the boat in an effort to make it more of a home. i.e photos, clothing nick knacks etc.
One of the big challenges for us is what to take. I have read countless blogs and books on the subject. There appears to not be a sound consensus. Some have a mind-set like myself. If it does not have a purpose it does not go. I suppose in my mind that means one thing, in someone else's mind it means another. For instance what does purpose mean? I feel it is an obvious statement; it is not apparent. My mind states that if it does not have form and function to keep us alive and the boat floating, or moving in a direction, it's not functional. My better half might suggest that functional keeps you warm and comfortable and does not have to be a tool or a sheet of fiberglass.
In my readings I found something I think is a sage piece of advice. If your boat is not a home you wont be able to live on it. My first thought was this is ludicrous,however I read on, and my thoughts on the matter slowly changed. Their experience was that many folks want to transition to the cruising lifestyle and would set great plans in place. As with most great dreams, not everyone gets to live it for one reason or another. Overtime, they found they could easily identify those who would make the transition and those that would leave their dreams tied to the dock simply visiting the dream from time to time. Here is their simple test. If they came aboard a vessel as they were often invited to do, they would look for personal effects such as pictures of family, nick knacks , etc. things that generally felt like home. If they did not see those things, they would look at each other and silently communicate that these folks were dreaming and nothing more. I have since taken that little nugget to heart, as i do not want my dream rotting away in the back of my mind or at the dock.
In short we have compromised, while it is very important to give as much real estate to the things that are functional, by my definition. It is equally important to make sure we have what is functional per Debbie's definition. After all Three Quarter Time will be our home. With luck for many years to come, she should look and feel like a home.
Our new home is coming along nicely.
Current address Valdez Ak. but not for long...
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